Rêve Rider Spotlight: Lillian Hanley
The heart beat of our studio is community, it’s what makes Rêve feel like home to so many and through movement, you can tap into the power of being a part of our team. Communities have so many benefits that extend far beyond the physical and mental components that come with our cycling and mat classes including: motivation, connection, collective wisdom, and accountability to name a few.
This month, we’re so excited to introduce you to Lillian; a true gem in our community who sometimes rides solo, with friends, and on most days - with her family! We recently caught up with Lillian to get to know a little bit more about her and what she does outside of the studio.
Tell us a little about yourself!
Hi! My name is Lillian Hanley and I’m a junior in high school. I have been riding at Rêve for just around two years. I recently moved to Falmouth Foreside, but I have lived in Maine my entire life. I have two older sisters, Evelyn and Claire, who both go to school in Boston. I have two German Shepherds, named Willa and Greta. During the summer and fall, I work at a small Apple orchard in Cumberland called Sweetser’s Apple Barrel.
When did you start coming to Rêve?
My first Rêve class was during the Thompson’s Point outside series in the summer of 2021. I was encouraged by my older sister Claire to come with her to an early Sunday morning class with Meg Savino . I found my first few classes pretty challenging, but as I started to go more regularly, I felt them getting easier and became more confident.
How did you hear about Rêve?
I was first introduced to Rêve from a family friend, Joe St. John, who became an instructor in high school. Joe is so welcoming and has encouraged my entire family to become a part of the Rêve community. I’m so grateful I was able to find such a positive and motivating community.
Do you have a typical class you like to come to?
I regularly attend the evening classes after school or practice, but there really is no bad class to take at Rêve. My favorite class is the 5:00 Rêve Rhythm with Meg C. Meg’s classes have such a welcoming atmosphere with fun choreography, upbeat music, and lots of energy. She is able to create such a special class with her encouraging words and dance moves. My favorite morning class is the 8:30 Sunday classes with Meg S. and Joe. Their classes always challenge me, and I appreciate the sense of community that they create. I’m so excited for the Miley themed class this month!
Do you have friends / family that you ride with?
My favorite part of Rêve is going to classes with my family and friends. I love going to classes with my parents and I’m inspired by their commitment. My mom, Beth, has always encouraged me to take care of my body and exercise regularly. I go to many classes with my friend Nola who works at the front desk. Even when I go to classes by myself, I still feel supported and welcomed by the entire Rêve family.
How many rides have you done?! We hear you're close to a big milestone:)
I just recently celebrated 100 rides in March. This winter I bought my first month-long membership which really motivated me to go to classes at least 4-5 days a week.
What do you like to do outside of Rêve, school, and work?
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. My favorite spot to hang out during the summer is either Higgins beach or Cape Cod. I am on the tennis team and enjoy playing outside in the spring.
What advice would you give to a new rider?
I would say to recognize that starting anything new is challenging and that with time it will get easier. It is so rewarding to challenge yourself and feel progress while knowing that there are people supporting you along the way. Never be afraid to be open to new experiences.